Multitasker Peppermint In Promoting Good Health


  • Shinde D.B.



mentha piperita, mint, her, , health benefits


Peppermint is a most common Indian herb which also known as M.balsamea wild or mentha piperita. This peppermint is a hybrid plant which derived from doing cross between watermint and spearmint species of mint plant. Mainly we can say Europe and middle east areas are those where this plant can be seen frequently but now a days due to so much of awareness about this plants positive health benefits this one can be seen throughout the world. Main and most concentrated content of the peppermint is a methanol. Also some of menthone, methyl acetate and methyl esters can be seen in the same. Some of volatile oils such as 1,8 cineol, pulegone, pinene, limonene are also present within dry peppermint leaf. According to findings of genrmen commission of emonographs we can say, peppermint oil as well as peppermint leaf can be used as Antispasmodic due presence of power to treat irritable bowel syndrome in human beings. Also effective measure to reduces or avoid oral mucosal inflammation along with catarrh of respiratory tract when taken internally by a person in prescribed format. Also we can use externally peppermint oil to treat neuralgia and myalgia. This super powerful oilcan act as a secretolytic, carminative, cholagogue and antibacterial also with most positive part as a having cooling action within it. Now a days peppermint oil capsules been seen in a market which are mostly used to treat colonoscopy




How to Cite

D.B., S. (2020). Multitasker Peppermint In Promoting Good Health. Journal of Science & Technology (JST), 6(1), 97–100.

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