Biology, Adaptability, and The Economic Applications of Tardigrades In Future


  • Ms. Afreen s
  • Dr. Anis B



Tardigrades,, Economic,Importance,, Trehalose, COVID-19


Tardigrades are small microscopic creatures also known as moss piglets or water bears. They are extremophiles and well known for its survivability. After successfully ruling the space tardigrades are now expected to save lives. From being a ‘survivor’ tardigrade is now headed to be a ‘savior’. This survivability is due to a special type of sugar known as “Trehalose”. Trehalose can be found in extremophiles organisms including tardigrades. The unique feature of this sugar is the ability to preserve biological molecules. One of the big applications of the tardigrades are the “dry vaccine”. Our world is struggling through a big crisis of covid-19 vaccine, it is next to impossible to make the highest demanded vaccine available to every corner of the earth at the low-temperature range in such a short period of time, and according to WHO half of the vaccines get wasted due to the cold chain method So, we can implement these dry vaccines for covid-19, to reduce the freezing cost, increasing the shelf life of vaccine and make every vaccine reach to needy in a live condition. Now, trehalose is not only confined to preserve vaccines but this can help in preserve the organs that are going to be used either for transplantology or organ donation. This special protein is yet to give a new turn to not only the medical field and to save human life but tardigrades can be implemented for plants in increasing the tolerance to a stressful environment for future climate changes and space settlement hence this paper provides an overview regarding the application and economical aspects of the tardigrades




How to Cite

s, M. A., & B, D. A. (2020). Biology, Adaptability, and The Economic Applications of Tardigrades In Future. Journal of Science & Technology (JST), 6(1), 109–117.