A Case Study effect of Vranabasthi and Jalaukavacharana in the management of Gambheera Vatarakta


  • Dr.Sriramakrishnan b




vata raktha, gambheera vatarakta, vrana vasti


Vatarakta is a disease explained in Ayurveda involving Vata Dosha imbalance affecting Rakta Dhatu, where the Vayu gets aggravated due to long distance rides on animals like elephants, camels, horses, and on the other hand Rakta or blood gets vitiated by the consumption of Lavana, Amla, Katu, Kshara etc The Vata, whose passages are blocked by Rakta further undergoes vitiation and further contaminates the Rakta or blood. The blood vitiated by Vayu later burns the whole blood in the body and later gravitates towards the foot. This vicious amalgamation of vitiated Vata and Rakta is called Vatarakta. Vatarakta can even be correlated to Gout on the basis of etiopathology.

Vrana Basti is the unique external method of drug administration for the treatment of wounds which are deep seated with a small opening. This procedure is explained by Acharya Sushruta and Sharangadhara.

A 65 years old male patient approached the OPD with the chief complaints of ulcer in right ankle joint associated with discoloration and burning sensation since 6 months. The patient was given completely Panchakarma therapies for 8 days, and later was shifted on only Ayurvedic medicines on discharge and the results were remarkably seen. Hence this study was taken to prove that management through ayurveda has remarkable results in gambheera Vatarakta. Observation and results were drawn on the basis of assessment criteria. Discussion was done on the basis of entire observations during research. Conclusion was drawn on the basis of result.




How to Cite

b, D. (2022). A Case Study effect of Vranabasthi and Jalaukavacharana in the management of Gambheera Vatarakta. Journal of Science & Technology (JST), 7(1), 72–81. https://doi.org/10.46243/jst.2022.v7.i01.pp72-81