Studies on Preparation of Sterilized Flavour Milk Using Basundi Sweet


  • Mahulkar S. A
  • Solanke G. M
  • Solanke G. M



Basundi Sweet, , flavoured milk, UHT, soft drinks, cow’s milk and buffalo’s milk


:Basundi (a common Indian sweet dish) prepared from cow and buffalo milk. It was found that the values of chemical properties of Basundi such as total solids, fat, solids-not-fat were increased with increase in the level of fat and concentration in milk. The interaction between different fat and concentration levels of cow and buffalo milk had definite effect on increase in total solids and solids-not-fat of Basundi. Perceiving the potential of drinking flavoured milk for having nutritional as well as therapeutic benefits. As children’s are not friendly to consume plain milk as such, there is a necessity to modify milk in such a way that it would be more acceptable by the peoples of all age groups. Flavoured milk for having high nutritional value can be an excellent nutrient-rich substitute for this type of beverages like soft drinks and fruit juices etc. There are various types of flavoured milks has been produced with different tastes, flavours and extended shelf life flavoured milk (sterilised and UHT flavoured milk) including chocolate flavoured milk, fruit based flavoured milk, herbal flavoured milk, neutraceutical flavoued milk etc. this article summarized the studies on preparation of sterilized flavour milk Using Basundi Sweet.




How to Cite

Mahulkar S. A, Solanke G. M, & Solanke G. M. (2020). Studies on Preparation of Sterilized Flavour Milk Using Basundi Sweet . Journal of Science & Technology (JST), 6(1), 132–140.