Analysis of Solid and Liquid Fuel Calorific Value
Good Fuel,, , Inter conversion,, Bomb Calorimeter,, examplesAbstract
Fuel gives a large amount of heat which can be used for domestic and industrial Purposes. Wood, coal, petrol, oil, gas, diesel, kerosene, charcoal etc. are common example of fuel. Any naturally occurring or manufactured substance which act as a source of energy is called a fuel . thus ,afuel is a substance which is fissionable material ,chemical or reactant which combust in presence of oxygen to produce energy . the bomb calorimeter is used for the determination of calorific value of solid and liquid fuels. The calorific value of uel can be appoximatelly of computed by noting the amount of the components constituting the fuel. Analysis of fuel sample calorific value are HCV = 1,000 kcal/kg GCV =9,650.4 kcal/kg , NCV = 9,227.8 kcal/kg In all combustion reaction ,dfinite exist between the masses of relationships the fuel fired, they are used and the flue gases fomed as well as the amount of heat evolved or absorbed during the reaction.