An Overview of Potential Threats to Freshwater Ecosystem
Freshwater, threats, anthropogenic activities, encroachment, biodiversity loss.Abstract
Globally, only 3% constitutes freshwater. Major sources of inland freshwater are ponds, lakes, wetland and streams which also support a major portion of biodiversity. Studies have indicated it supports 10% of all known species. Urbanization, industrialization and agricultural activities primarily disturbing the aquatic ecosystem. Insecticides, herbicides and fungicides from agricultural fields, heavy metals from industries are major problems aquatic life facing with. Microplastic and nanoparticles has emerged as a new threat in water bodies. Encroachment of water body are responsible for declining ponds and lakes. Fragmentation acting as a barrier to movement of organism. 8o% of municipal wastewater is discharged into water bodies untreated carrying loads of chemicals. Recent papers have concluded that over exploitation, water pollution, flow modification, degradation of habitat and invasion of exotic species has reduced the number of freshwater species. Eutrophication of smaller water bodies has degraded water quality. Excessive sedimentation due to algal mat deposition, organic debris or allochthonous clastic sediment makes water bodies shallower followed by rooted macrophytes and other nearby plants leads to formation of swamps or the terrestrial vegetation. Anthropogenic Climate change has led to change in temperature and hydrological cycle which directly affect aquatic ecosystem. The qualitative and quantitative change in water bodies has resulted in decreased species richness and diversity. This review is summarizing some potential threats of freshwater which are responsible for its degradation and biodiversity loss.