A Comprehensive Review of Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Photovoltaic System
PV arrays has non-linear I-V characteristic and its output power generally depends upon environmental conditions such a solar radiation and temperature. There is a point on I-V, P-V characteristic curve of PV array which is called as Maximum Power Point (MPP), in which the PV system produces its maximum output power. Location of MPP changes with variation in environmental condition. The purpose of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is to vary the solar operating voltage close to MPP under changing environmental conditions. In order to continuously abstract the maximum power from PV array they have to operate at their MPPT despite of the homogeneous variation in environmental conditions. The two algorithms for PV applications are Perturb and Observe (P & O), Incremental Conductance (Inc. Con.). An enhanced review of various MPPT algorithms is proposed with more focus on above two algorithms.