Impacts of Pesticides and Chemical Fertilizers on Human Health and Environment


  • Shama. B. Lomate



Green revolution, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, environment, human health


In developing country like India, a marketable surplus of agriculture is the most important factor which influences the economic development of a country. To meet the demands of agriculture goods adequately and to feed the increasing population, the phenomenon of Green Revolution came into existence. Green Revolution, allowed developing countries like India to overcome continual food scarcity by producing more food and other agricultural products by using high-yielding varieties of seeds, modifying farm equipment, and substantially increasing use of chemical fertilizers. For an optimum production of agriculture produce and to feed the growing population, application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has become necessary. Such type of agriculture practices allowed growth and sustainability of food grains but at the same time have the major impact on the environment and human health. This article provides a sketch of effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on human health and environment.






How to Cite

Shama. B. Lomate. (2022). Impacts of Pesticides and Chemical Fertilizers on Human Health and Environment. Journal of Science & Technology (JST), 7(Special Issue 1), 45–48.