A Review of MitragynaParvifolia (Roxb) Korth – An Important Medicinal Plant
MitragynaParvifolia, Traditional medicinal plant, Phytochemical constituent, Pharmacological Activity.Abstract
Herbal plants are potent in curing various diseases form common cold to dreaded diseases like variety at cancers as they have comparatively lesser side effects than synthetic drugs. Corona-virus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has identified and experimented many drugs in its management and these agents included both new and old drugs. MitragranaParvifolia (Roxb.) korthpopularily known as kaim, is a deciduous traditional medicinal plant belongs to genus Rubiaceae. It is a true kadamba. Mitragynaparvifolia is one of the medicinal plants considered for repurposing in the management of covid-19 because it is crucially significant as it contains rich fraction of alkaloids. Mitragynaparvifolia is crucially significant as it has largest number of phytohemicals (such as alkaloids, flavanoids, tannins, glycosides, carbohydrates, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, phytosterols, triterpenes, triterpenoids, saponins, indole alkaloids etc.) and Secondary metabolites (viz.quinolic acid, quinovic acid, β-sitosterol, methyl acetate, pyroligenous acid, scopoletine, therophylline, daucosterol, cadambagenic acid, cadamine, cadambine, isocadambine, isodihydrocadamabine etc.) In Ayuveda medicinal effect of kadamba is described in different sunhitas like Charak Samhita, Sushrutasamhita, Ashtanga hridya, Haritsamhita, Chakardatta etc. Kadamba is used as antihepatotoxic, antibacterial, antimalarial, antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antioxidant wound healing activities, diuretic and laxative. Antiarthritic, Anticonvulsant, Anthelmintic, antinociceptive, Antiproliferative activity. MitragynaParvifolia plant extract also possess Antifungal, Antidiarrheal, Antiviral activity leads to the development of potent antiviral drug, which can be safer, cost effective and can be used in the Medical filed in promoting rural development and prosperity.