Geo-morphological Mapping for Land Resource Assessment Around Bagh village of Dhar District, Madhya Pradesh, India Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques


  • Mayank Pawar
  • Gyanendra Pratap Singh
  • H. U. Usmani



Geomorphological Mapping, Land Resource Assessment, GIS & Remote sensing, Dhar District.


This study presents a geomorphological mapping using IRS-P6 LISS-III satellite data approximately 885 sq. km area around Bagh village, Dhar district, Madhya Pradesh has been mapped. Visual image interpretation technique has been employed to identify and delineate various geomorphic features based on tone, texture, size, shape and color extracted from false color composition LISS-III sensor images. The study is aimed at classifying such geomorphic units as pediplains, pediments, buttes, mesas and plateaus. The integration of remote sensing and GIS facilitates a time and cost-effective methodology to achieve the objectives of the study. Field verification of this produced maps was conducted to validate the interpretation results. The findings contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the geomorphology of the study area. The study area exhibits the following geomorphic features: Buttes (0.12 sq. km.), Mesas (0.83 sq. km.), Plateaus (less dissected) 11.93 sq. km., Plateaus (moderately dissected) 334.02 sq. km., water bodies proximately 14.13 sq. km., Pediments span 210.93 sq. km. and Pediplains cover a significant area (313.05 sq. km.)




How to Cite

Pawar, M., Singh, G. P., & H. U. Usmani. (2023). Geo-morphological Mapping for Land Resource Assessment Around Bagh village of Dhar District, Madhya Pradesh, India Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. Journal of Science & Technology (JST), 8(7), 8–16.