Water net:A Network For Monitoring And Assessing Water Quality


  • Mrs.Supriya Belkar
  • Algot Yogitha
  • shruthi Alluri






Water is a fundamental requirement for human, animal, and plant survival. Despite its importance, quality water is not always fit for drinking, domestic and/or industrial use. Numerous factors such as industrialization, mining, pollution, and natural occurrences impact the quality of water, as they introduce or alter various parameters present therein, thus, affecting its suitability for human consumption or general use. The World Health Organization has guidelines which stipulate the threshold levels of various parameters present in water samples intended for consumption or irrigation. The Water Quality Index (WQI) and Irrigation WQI (IWQI) are metrics used to express the level of these parameters to determine the overall water quality. Collecting water samples from different sources, measuring the various parameters present, and bench-marking these measurements against pre-set standards, while adhering to various guidelines during transportation and measurement can be extremely daunting




How to Cite

Belkar, M., Algot Yogitha, & Alluri, shruthi. (2023). Water net:A Network For Monitoring And Assessing Water Quality. Journal of Science & Technology (JST), 8(7), 58–63. https://doi.org/10.46243/jst.2023.v8.i07.pp58-63