Pain Detection Using Face Expression


  • Dr. Shivprasad Patil
  • Wasudeo Rahane
  • Jayant Rathore



Emotions, Image Recognition, Haar Cascade, Pain, Intensity, Feature Extraction, Facial Expression


The basic idea of this project is to build an interactive system among software that takes some mandatory inputs to recognize the symptoms and stress level of a person and hardware that tells about brain signals and pain intensity of that person. Affective computing research field is growing on large scale with the frequent development of human computer application. These application use information of mental or affective condition of the desired subject to train their brain responses. Usually classification algorithm is used for text physiology, vocal, expression of face and other accumulation. Pain may be a personal, particular experience that’s normally evaluated through graphical analog scales. Generally it’s appropriate and functional, machine-driven system of pain detection that can reduce pain score attainment exertions in big scale studies by guessing it directly from the contributors’ facial expressions. Face plays significant role in social communication. This is a ‘window’ to human personality, emotion and thoughts. Many times, body languages and particularly facial expressions, tell us quite about one’s state of mind.





How to Cite

Dr. Shivprasad Patil, Wasudeo Rahane, & Jayant Rathore. (2021). Pain Detection Using Face Expression. Journal of Science & Technology (JST), 6(Special Issue 1), 352–357.